Monday 9 July 2018

Entry 2: College Study Skill

What is time management?

The method of managing your time effectively to suit certain importance area into our daily life by organizing and scheduling the right order of it is "Time management". We are able to work better and get more work done by having a proper time schedule even when we are working under time pressure.  Your effectiveness may be effected by your failure from time management and yet can cause stress. 


Why is time management difficult among the young adults?

              Most people usually assume that taking a break is only going to slow the work progress which is not true. Taking a break enable you to rest your brain a little  so that you can think more effectively for your project. Young adults nowadays often overused their body and brain that results to bad outcomes of their projects. This will only make those people do more work as they will keep making mistakes and be unsatisfied with the outcomes. 

                Other reason for failure in time management is we don't know how to prioritize among the matters that need to be done. Next is multi-tasking. People nowadays like to multi-tasking in reasoning to be able to finish two jobs or more in a shorter time. That is not true. We might lose productivity when moving between two matters in the same time which was shown in studies. We might also have to do the same thing again if we lose focus during multi-tasking.

                These are the few reasons on why young adults nowadays are having trouble with managing their time effectively. 

Entry 3 :College Study Skill

1. My Goals. 

Long-term Goal.

           My long-term goal is to be a high school English teacher. Hence why I pursue my study with TESL. I had always been wanting to visit Korea and maybe live there. I had always admire the Korean's educational system and find it to be very effective. So, my goal is now to be teaching English to Korean's high school students.

Short-term Goal. 

           Since I'm dreaming to teach in Korea, I have to learn Korean first. One of the method that I tried is by Googling and memorizing the Hangul characters. To take a private lesson might get a bit pricey so I opt to learn online first. Here a few websites that can help me. 


           By the end of this semester, I want to at least be able to memorize the Hangul Characters and to be able to read a few phrases. 

2. My Time Management

           I'm trying to improve my time management by doing the essential matters first and not procrastinating works that need to be done. The most important thing is to have enough rest so that we are able to function properly and generate great ideas to finish the works. This can ensure that our works won't be halfheartedly done. 

About Me

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hope you're having a good dayπŸ™Œ.  Alhamdulillah to Allah for giving me the time and health to start this blog.

About me. 

I'm just an ordinary young ladyπŸ™. I'm born in Kelantan and I'm currently living in Kuala Lumpur. I'm the youngest from ten siblings. My age?  Guess πŸ‘€ I'm taking the foundation of TESL in UiTM this year. Wish me the greatest luck πŸ™‡

My blog will mostly be about my life as an university student, poetry and music. Enjoy

Enrty 1: College Study Skill

My academic goals.